Monday, May 2, 2011

How It All Began

Like many people, I often wonder what's life all about and why am I here etc. I have gone through introspective periods from time to time but never really moved forward with any great theory that worked for me. I was raised Irish Catholic and some of that is very much ingrained in me for better or worse but it hasn't provided a roadmap that I can project on to life that makes sense for me thus far. In general, organized religions haven't been something that I saw working for me (though I know they provide great value and help to many people).

So anyway, I was randomly walking in the Mission neighborhood of San Francisco one day and I passed a little buddhist temple. They had a brochure box on their front gate with a list of their classes ... I was instantly intrigued. Like many, what peripheral knowledge of buddhism I had was very positive and here was my chance to learn more. It's strange, I wasn't on a mission to find something that day but at the same time I felt excited at the prospect of finding something I had been searching for.

I went to my first mediation class at the temple the following Tuesday ....

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